The Laya Weisner Awards 2019

January 31, 2020

Since 1981, MIT presidents have presented awards at the Institute Awards Convocations. Among those awards are two the Women’s League created to honor Laya Wiesner, wife of MIT’s 13th president Jerome Wiesner.

Jessica Quaye has dedicated her time at MIT to enriching the life of her peers. She serves on multiple committees, including the Committee for Race and Diversity and the Undergraduate Student Advisory Group. She is the first student representative for the International Students of Color working group, developing strategies to ease the transition for international students who identify as underrepresented minorities. Over IAP, she forged the beginnings of a relationship with a high school in Ghana, so that in 2020, MIT will for the first time have a Global Teaching Labs partner outside of South Africa. An extremely self-driven student, Jessica cares deeply about the MIT’s campus life, and promoting inclusion for all who study here.

Associate Coordinator of MIT Radius, Patricia-Maria Weinmann is one of those remarkable people one finds behind the scenes at MIT every once in a long while. Her skill, influence, and positive effect on the MIT community are matched only by her humility, generosity, and warmth. Her work offers critical opportunities for students to explore, develop and apply an ethical lens to their world — and to the science and technology pursuits they engage in. Trish makes space for the MIT community to develop their ethical backbone with thoughtful mentorship. She lifts up every team she joins with enthusiasm, encouragement, and the generous offering of her time.

We are proud of our award recipients and congratulate them for their dedication and accomplishments.