Join our Summer Skillshare!

July 1, 2020
Still stuck at home? Us too! We’re pleased to announce a collaboration between MIT Spouses & Partners Connect and the MIT Women’s League to keep us all busy, indoors. 

Join us on Zoom for one of our upcoming skillshares, where a friend or colleague will invite you to their homes to share their passion, present a workshop, or teach you a new skill. If you have a good time, please consider a $2 donation to one of our presenter’s chosen local charities.
Learn a little, give a little.


Tuesday 8/9 12-1pm
Food for Thought: Fun with English Language – Laurie Scott & Mariana Castro
Do you wonder why English is so difficult to understand and to speak? Join us to look at some of the reasons that English is challenging. Together, we will laugh at the strange quirks in the language, while we focus on one of our favorite topics, food. English level: Intermediate and above.
Laurie and Mariana support Arlington Eats

Tuesday 9/15 12-1pm
An Introduction to Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies with Jennifer Recklet Tassi

Are you a rebel, upholder, obliger or questioner? And why would you want to know? Writer and podcaster Gretchen Rubin (author of the Happiness Project and Better Than Before and host of the Happier podcast) has developed a personality framework called the Four Tendencies, which describes how one responds to inner and outer expectations. According to Rubin, knowing your tendencies and the tendencies of those around you can help you take charge of your happiness and make it easier to cultivate habits. Please take the Four Tendencies Quiz before the session to find out which tendency you are:

Jennifer supports: The Trustees of Reservations


Tuesday 10/6 12-1pm
Children’s education without school: how to make it work and benefit from it with Aleka Molokova

It’s a whole new world, with our kids at home. Whether you are a full-time or a working parent, there are challenges ahead. This session offers techniques and ideas to ease the transition and hopefully find a little joy. 
Aleka supports: AHEM

10/15 12-1pm
Beginning Embroidery with Julie Parker
Think Embroidery isn’t for you? Join us on Zoom where Julie Parker, FX manager and all-round crafty person, will get you started with any thread or yarn you happen to have in the house. Join just to watch, or follow along with the following items – a piece of fabric, a length of thread, a large-eye needle that fits your thread, and your imagination! After showing us her skills, Julie will answer your questions. 
Julie supports: Women’s Lunch Place


Tuesday 11/3 12-1pm
All about Houseplants with Sudhi Oberoi
Is your Ficus on the fritz? Pothos looking peaky? Or maybe you’re looking to green up your space for the first time ahead of winter. Join us to learn about how to get started, troubleshoot your plant problems, and fall in love with indoor flora.

Thursday 11/19 2-3pm
Wreath-Making with Brenda Blais
Get a little festive in the comfort of your own home with the help of Brenda Blais! Every year, Brenda guides the Women’s League in making the giant wreaths that hang at 77 Mass Ave. This year, she is bringing her skills to you, on a smaller, fit-on-your-front-door scale. Learn how to make a festive wreath in this online workshop, with time for a Q&A after the event to make sure your decor is secure and your bows are perfect. 

Feel free to join us to watch, or if you prefer to ‘make along’ with the workshop, you will need:

Wreath Frame, (wire or grapevine)
Wire, wire cutters and glue gun
Decor – you choose! Autumn leaves, gourds, pine cones, flowers – up to you!
Ribbon, 3 inches wide. 

Brenda supports: Dana Farber


Tuesday 12/1 12-1pm
Astrophotography with Amanda Bosh

Learn a new photography skill:  astrophotography!  Take photos of the cosmos that celebrate its beauty and highlight our place within the universe.  Explore three techniques, each of which highlights a different aspect of the night sky.

Amanda supports: House Rabbit Network