The MIT Japanese Wives Group continues to engage in its activities within and beyond Boston. As one of the activities, The MIT Japanese Wives Group in Japan has started “The Penpal Project.”
The Chorale, directed by Kevin Galiè, will present a rarely performed work by Joseph Michael Haydn, the lovely and lively Vespers for the Feast of the Holy Innocents, with string ensemble, French horns, and organ. Read more…
The League tradition of making the holiday wreaths for the main entrance to MIT began in the 1930s. If you’ve never done something like this before, this morning activity is a fun and fragrant way to begin the holiday season!
After the immense popularity of this program in previous years, we are delighted to offer you the chance to once again join us for an evening of Stargazing with Dr. Amanda S. Bosh, Senior Lecturer in the Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Department.