Donate Winter Clothing

Our 2024 Winter Clothing Drive is live! 

Can I send gently used items, as well as new?
Yes! We love a sustainable option. If you have gently-used items that will be suitable, please send those. Our only note is that the emphasis is on warm clothing, because it gets so cold here.
I want to send new clothes. Where should I order from?
MIT students love MIT gear! There’s a great selection of accessories at the COOP. Affordable winter coats are on Amazon, Nordstrom Rack and at LL Bean and Uniqlo to name a few!
Sierra has markdowns on winter clothing.

I want to give an e-gift card. How much should I give?
You should give what you feel comfortable giving. From our experience, it’s possible to source a coat, hat, and gloves for around $160 from an online retailer, so depending on what you choose to give, adjust from there.

How often does this program run?
Currently this program runs once a year, in the Fall.

Can you provide a donation receipt?

Yes, we can! Let us know if you’d like a donation receipt for your taxes.