Catch up with old friends and make new connections. Share your expertise or learn something new. Drop in any time—everyone is welcome!
Book Discussion

Looking for an interesting read? The Book Discussion group hosts virtual meetings via Zoom. Please write to Maxine Jonas to be added to their mailing list. Book group members lead the discussion.
Visit our Calendar for upcoming dates, times and titles.
MIT Women’s Chorale

Raise your voice and sing! Going strong since 1933, Chorale brings women from MIT and Harvard together to rehearse and perform compositions both sacred and secular from all time periods and traditions.
Learn more about auditions, performances, and recordings at the MIT Chorale website.
Lunch Club

Lunch Club is a once-monthly informal event where we gather at lunchtime to escape our desks and connect with friends. This is a chance to meet your MIT colleagues from different departments, generations and backgrounds, and really get to know your community. Get information on our next event by signing up to our mailing list or connecting with us on Slack or Instagram.
Afternoon Fiber Crafts Group

Take a break for a creative afternoon meet-up on Zoom – share skills and swap ideas! Visit our calendar for upcoming dates.
Email with any questions.
MIT Community or Affiates only.
MIT Japanese Wives Group

Whether you’re in the US temporarily or relocating indefinitely, new arrivals from Japan can find fun, friendship, and resources for navigating American culture.
Email Kimie Shirasaki to join the group’s mailing list for campus area activities. Returning to Japan? Email Megumi Enokido to learn about League meetups abroad.
MITell: Storytelling

All members of the MIT community are invited to come together and share stories from their lives. Whether you’re completely new to live storytelling or a practiced public speaker—or if you just want to listen—we’d love to welcome you!
Join the mailing list and find the latest schedule at the MITell website.