As we are several weeks into social distancing and self-isolation, words that I never thought would become part of my daily vocabulary, I hope this letter finds you and yours doing well. I know some of you have family in other parts of the world and hope they too are doing well with this pandemic.
I’m taking this opportunity to write to you as we navigate through this historic time. These unprecedented times and still lots of unknowns about this virus, I have made the difficult decision to postpone all meetings of the Women’s League until September, unless things change. With that being said, we will hold board meetings and some interest group meetings, such as book discussion, via Zoom. We do want to stay connected with each other!
Although the May 19 Annual Meeting has been postponed, the Board members will be working on a summary of what we’ve accomplished this year. We will be sharing that information with you through publication of the Annual Report which we will distribute in coming months. Please join me in thanking Renie Pavilon for being the glue to hold so much together in Kirsty’s maternity absence. We will hold a thank you luncheon when we’re able to safely gather together. With that being said we are delighted to virtually welcome Kirsty back to the office.
In summary, I’m so sorry that I’m unable to see each and every one of you. If any of you need anything please reach out to me or Kirsty. We are here for each other today, more than any other day.
Cheryl Vossmer