English Conversation Class: Registration

February 9, 2019

English Conversation Class: Registration
Tuesday, February 12, 2018 • 9:00-11:00am
Stratton Student Center

For international women arriving at MIT whose first language is not English, our conversational English classes provide a friendly venue for practicing the language, learning new vocabulary, and engaging in conversations with classmates about a variety of subjects. They are a perfect homeaway- from-home for visitors from other cultures and countries.

Students meet women from around the globe and come together to learn and improve their English skills with the guidance of dedicated Women’s League teachers. The focus is on functional “how to” English conversation and student interests vs. grammar. Grammar instruction, however, is provided and reviewed at the Basic and Intermediate levels. In addition, these classes offer students opportunities to make new friends, share their cultures and interests, and gain confidence while living their new life in the United States. As stories and experiences are shared, speaking and listening competence improves.

Spring classes are held from February to May on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:15 am to 11:00 am. Four levels of classes (Basic to Advanced) are offered and after a brief interview with one of our teachers, each student is placed in an appropriate level class. Textbooks are provided and included in the student fee of $120 per semester.